
Smiles for miles.

Advanced techniques with the latest technology create great smiles right here in Carnegie.

Our Services

Over the past two decades the Carnegie Dental Group has successfully whitened 1000’s of smiles. We have developed our Tooth Whitening department to provide our patients with the best whitening process available. We aim to achieve your desired result within a safe and comfortable environment. We use the most up to date whitening technology and procedures to ensure you are happy with your brightened smile.

Stained Teeth

Tooth stains can be identified into two main categories:

Extrinsic Stains:

Refers to staining on the surface of the tooth. It occurs when stain particles, such as pigmented residue from food or drink adhere to the surface of the tooth. Extrinsic tooth stains are typically caused by tobacco use or by regularly drinking coffee and tea, wine or cola drinks. This type of tooth stain responds well to regular dental cleaning and polishing.

Intrinsic Stains:

Refers to staining below the surface of the tooth. It occurs when stain-causing particles accumulate within the tooth enamel. Tetracycline antibiotics have also been linked to a discolouration of teeth. An intrinsic tooth stain is trickier to remove, but it can be done. An intrinsic tooth stain may require tooth whitening using professional or at-home teeth-whitening products.

It is possible to have a combination of both extrinsic and intrinsic staining. Our experienced hygienist will provide the best advice on how to achieve your desired level of whitening.

Common Questions

Is it safe?
Yes. Evidence from long term studies shows whitening does not weaken the tooth structure.

Can I whiten my teeth?
Yes. At CDG we have so many happy patients who have successfully brightened their smile.

Does it hurt?
Some people experience varying levels of sensitivity. That’s why a dental examination is recommended before commencing your whitening procedure.

Will my crowns also whiten?
No. Only natural tooth structure will whiten. Crowns, veneers, and filling materials do not whiten. They may need to be replaced to match the whiter shade of your teeth after you have completed the whitening process.

How long does whitening last?
Depends on habits such as smoking or red wine drinking.


Take home whitening trays with Zoom! At home whitening kit.

Take home whitening is an affordable option that allows you to be in control of your whitening. It involves making custom whitening trays, a Zoom! Take home whitening kit and thorough instructions.

Zoom! In chair whitening.

In chair whitening is the quickest and most convenient process. It takes approximately 90 minutes.  We offer a brief check up to make sure Zoom! In chair whitening is a safe and effective option for you. Your gums are then protected whilst the whitening gel is applied to your teeth. We then use the Zoom! Whitespeed LED lamp to activate the gel, causing the immediate whitening effect. 

Zoom! In chair whitening and a take home whitening kit including trays and Zoom! At home whitening kit.

Our most popular package which gives the best of both worlds. You will get the immediate results from the In Chair Whitening and have your take home for any top ups in the future. Please note: It is a prerequisite that you should have had a dental clean within the last 6 months prior to your whitening.

Want to have straighter teeth and a better smile? Have a chat with us about the clear alternative to fixed braces.

An increasingly popular option for adults, Invisalign is a clear solution to creating a better smile.

At Carnegie Dental Group, our dentists are one of the certified providers for Invisalign in Melbourne, and we strive to help you achieve the smile and confidence you want.


What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a revolutionary solution to teeth straightening using the latest technology and software system to achieve the smile you want. Invisalign is a clear, custom-made, 3D printed sequential clear aligner system that helps straighten your teeth without subjecting you to the look and feel of braces.

How does it work?

At your initial consultation, you will see one of our Invisalign certified providers who will discuss with you your dental needs and expectations to achieve the smile you’re after. Your dentist will collect information including the health of your teeth and gums, photos, dental radiographs and models of your teeth in order to create a digital plan that will allow your dentist and you to review.

Your dentist will discuss the plan with you including treatment time and cost required to achieve your goal. If you have a more complex orthodontic need your dentist may offer other treatment options for you. This is a journey tailored to each individual’s needs and can be different for everyone.

Once you are happy with the predicted outcome an order will be placed for your custom-made clear aligners. ​During your treatment you will wear each set of aligners for two weeks and your dentist will see you regularly along the journey. At the end of your treatment, retainers will be provided for you to wear to ensure your teeth stay in the same position and your beautiful smile is maintained.

Benefits of the clear aligner systems:

  • Clear aligners are almost invisible making it socially more acceptable

  • They can be removed for eating, brushing and flossing

  • The precision made aligners are less obtrusive to your soft tissues making them eventually irritation-free to your gums, cheeks and tongue

  • Most patients have reported minimal pain during their treatment

Why choose CDG?

  • Superior treatment planning

  • Superior treatment outcomes

  • Friendly atmosphere aiming to make the treatment process seamless and pleasant

  • Priority customer support

  • Incorporating into comprehensive smile design for example: invisalign, whitening, veneers

Restore Damaged or Missing Teeth with Dental Crowns and Bridges.

If you have a severely damaged tooth, dental crowns and bridges are often the most effective restorative dental treatment available. Fillings, inlays and onlays are good for treating smaller defects, but crowns protect and strengthen the remaining tooth structure.

Reasons for Needing Dental Crowns Include:

  • Large or extensive fillings

  • After root canal therapy

  • Severe chips or cracks

  • Keeping a Natural Tooth is Better for Your Oral Health

Dental crowns can be made from a variety of materials. Modern materials such as Emax and Zirconia have largely superseded older materials such as gold and porcelain. Nowadays crowns are digitally (CADCAM) designed and printed and subsequently bonded onto your teeth. The superior materials and process lead to a better looking and more durable restoration.

If maintained appropriately, dental crowns can last 10 -20+ years. Regular checkups are recommended so the health of your restorations and overall oral health can be maintained.

A dental bridge is essentially 2 or more crowns fused together to anchor the replacement of a missing tooth.

Dental implants are used widely to replace missing teeth however in certain situations a dental bridge may be the most appropriate choice.

A Dental Bridge

A dental bridge is made up of 2 or more crowns fixed together. For example a 3 unit bridge uses 2 teeth either side of a gap to support a third crown which replaces the missing tooth. A 4 unit bridge has 2 suspended teeth replacing two missing teeth. In some cases bridges may be the best fixed option to replace missing teeth.

Crowns Vs Veneers

A crown sits around the remaining tooth structure supporting and strengthening it. The crown will change the shape/colour and form of the underlying tooth in all dimensions. A veneer sits only on the outer surface of a tooth (like a fake fingernail) changing its appearance only. It enables the underlying tooth to be hidden and for a new appearance to be created.

The crown preparation procedure requires the underlying tooth to be relieved in all dimensions. Tooth preparation enables the crown to fit over the prepared tooth and into the created space between all other teeth without altering the bite. In few cases a veneer can be added onto the outside surface of a tooth without shaping the tooth however in most cases teeth need to be reduced on the external surface so that the veneer can sit in the created space so that the veneer doesn’t appear too bulky and creates a fluentand beautiful smile.

Your smile is incredibly important.

It’s often the first thing people notice about you.

Your smile is unique. It allows you to communicate without words. Enhancing your smile with dental veneers can provide you with extra confidence and empower you to live life to the fullest.

Dental veneers can cover stains, discolouration or uneveness. They can also help correct minor misalignments and provide natural looking solution for chipped or worn teeth.

At Carnegie Dental Group each patient is special and every smile is designed around your specific facial characteristics, personality and budget.

The latest technology and procedures are used to create harmony as science meets art in the formation of the ideal smile just for you. Meticulous planning and superior craftmanship leads to confidence and successful life changing smile transformations.

Cost of porcelain veneers:

At Carnegie Dental Group we want to make achieving your dream smile a reality, which is why we offer payment plans which allow you to pay for your treatment over time.

From as low as $199 per month, depending on your unique customised treatment plan. Porcelain veneers could be more affordable than you think.

Call today for our friendly team to guide you through your treatment journey including our dental payment plans.

Porcelain Veneer Composite Resin
Durability 15+ Years 5 - 10 years
Stain resistance     ***** **
Strength ***** ***
Procedure 2 Visits 1 visit
Cost Higher More affordable

What are dental implants

Dental Implants are titanium fixtures inserted into the jawbone that can be used as an anchor. They act as an artificial replacement to a natural tooth root to provide a permanent base for a crown or bridge.

Dental Implants are the most popular and preferred long term solution for people who suffer from missing teeth, failing teeth or chronic dental problems. 

Dental implants typically have three parts:

The implant:
A screw that serves as a root for your new teeth. This is what permanently attaches to your jaw.

The abutment:
A permanent, but removable by your doctor, connector that supports and holds a tooth or set of teeth.

The crown (or prosthetic tooth):
This is the part of the tooth that you can see. It’s usually made of zirconium or porcelain for durability and good looks.

Click here for more information.

Want to have straighter teeth and a better smile? Carnegie Dental group are certified providers for Invisalign.

We’re here for every smile. To find out how we can help you or book an appointment, please feel free to get in touch today.