Family Dentist Melbourne

We are your family dentist in Melbourne, and have been providing quality dental care to the families of Melbourne for over 40 years. We have treated three generations of some families; watched kids grow, and adults get old, all the while caring for all aspects of their dental health. Prevention is our aim, and our approach is holistic.

Our Family Dental Services

Prevention is Better than a Cure

At Carnegie Dental Group our aim is to provide you with the best opportunity to maintain the health of your teeth and gums for life. Our dental hygienists not only clean and polish your teeth; they also provide you with individually tailored instructions and tools to perform optimal oral hygiene procedures at home. Our hygienists are gentle, caring and create a comfortable environment in which you can be relaxed and enjoy the best treatments available.

We can check on the spot if you are eligible for the CDBS by checking directly with Medicare.

Why have a “Scale and Clean”?

Do you know why dentists recommend a scale and clean regularly? It’s about the health of your teeth and gums. It’s about getting the plaque and the calculus off your teeth. A regular professional dental clean is vital in maintaining long term oral health.

Plaque is sticky, soft and usually an off-white colour. With the correct brushing and flossing plaque can be removed. However, if you don’t clean the plaque off, the bacteria release toxins that will irritate your gums—this bacteria produces the acid which causes tooth decay. With a scale and clean from one of our Dental Hygienists, we can get rid of the plaque from those places that are difficult to get to with a toothbrush and floss.

Calculus (more commonly referred to as tartar) is different to plaque in that it is a hard, calcified build-up. And it can’t be removed with brushing and flossing. If plaque is not cleaned off your teeth the minerals in your saliva will deposit in the plaque making it calcified. Calculus can only be removed by a dentist or dental hygienist—this is the scaling part of a scale and clean.

Staining is less of a health problem and more of an aesthetic one. Our hygienists not only clean and polish your teeth; they also provide you with individually tailored instructions and tools to perform optimal oral hygiene procedures at home. In addition, they perform treatment for periodontal disease, teeth whitening and take radiographs to check for bone levels underneath your gums. By combining a proper at-home oral hygiene routine with regular check-ups you have a better chance of maintaining your natural teeth for longer, as well as keeping your implants healthy.

Over the past 10 years the Hygiene Department at the Carnegie Dental Group has developed and evolved to provide the highest level of care for our patients. Your teeth and gums are cared for and the relaxed environment makes you want to come back. Healthcare in the setting of a day spa.

At the CDG, we love seeing children of all ages. The early years are exceptionally important in creating good dental habits as well as getting familiar with the dental setting. Although baby teeth do eventually come out and get replaced with grown up teeth, it is important to keep them healthy to help with chewing, eating, and of course keeping the space for the permanent teeth and guiding them into the correct position. 

We recommend seeing one of our lovely dentists or oral health therapists for a dental check up from around your child’s first birthday. The initial visits (or even first few visits) may just be a ride in the dental chair, showing them instruments and a quick look and count of the teeth. After a few of these “desensitising” visits, you might be surprised how easily they start to cooperate for more thorough checks up and cleans.

A good tip is to make sure your children are brushing twice daily (those under 7 should be supervised) and flossing the teeth that touch. Most importantly - try to provide healthy and teeth friendly snacks during the day such as yoghurt, cheese, dry crackers etc. Limiting non tooth friendly snacks such as lollies, cakes, soft drinks etc. will lessen their chances of developing any cavities (holes) in their teeth! Call us to book an appointment today.

The Child Dental Benefit Scheme (CDBS)

Here at Carnegie Dental group, we BULK BILL all Child Dental Benefit Scheme Claims directly to Medicare, and only charge the Medicare fees. So there are no gap payments or time waiting for money to be reimbursed to you. It’s all taken care of by our friendly reception staff on the day of your child’s appointment. Eligibility criteria applies, please call us today to find out more.

What is the CDBS?

The CDBS is an Australian Government run and funded scheme that replaces the Medicare Teen Dental Plan. The CDBS has been extended to children aged 2-17 and offers up to $1095 worth of dental care per child to be used over a two-year calendar period.

What treatments are covered by the CDBS?

Eligible children can use their $1095 for basic general dental treatments including:

  • Examinations

  • X-rays

  • Cleaning

  • Fissure sealants

  • Fillings

  • Extractions

  • Partial dentures

As there are no limitations to whether treatment needs to be carried out privately or in a public setting you will be able to acquire services from Carnegie Dental Group for your children.

What isn’t covered by the CDBS?

There are a few treatments that aren’t covered and once the voucher has been used you will not be issued another unless the child is still eligible in the second two-year bracket. The following treatments cannot be claimed:

  • Orthodontics

  • Cosmetic Dental Work

  • Hospital provided treatments

There are further restrictions on specific items so please follow the entire claims procedure or contact our team to find out what is and is not included in your treatment plan.

The benefit can also not be used in conjunction with a private health insurance claim or for other siblings. You can only claim private health cover or CDBS, not both.

Who is eligible for the CDBS?

To be eligible your child needs to be between 2-17 years at any point in the calendar year and must receive a relevant Australian Government payment, such as Family Tax Benefit Part A, at any point in the year. You will have received notification via email or a letter from the Department of Human Services notifying you of this.

The eligibility lasts for the full calendar year and approval is gained even if they turn 18 or are no longer receiving the relevant payment.

For more information on the CDBS or to make an appointment to use your $1095 voucher please call us on (03) 9571 9016

A sports mouthguard can protect you from some serious sporting injuries, such as broken jaws, fractured, cracked or knocked-out teeth, and cut lips and tongues. If you play a sport, you are at risk of injuring your teeth and mouth. Many sports have the risk of contact and therefore serious dental injury. These sorts of injuries are often difficult to treat and often involve a lifetime of expense which can lead to a lifetime of dental treatment.

Custom-made mouthguards created by your dentist are the most protective for the teeth and mouth as they are specially designed to fit the exact contours of your mouth. They are comfortable to wear and allow you to breathe and speak easily compared to the store-bought options.

At Carnegie Dental Group we offer a large range of colours to choose from. They can be customised in any colour – even your favourite sports team!

Grinding Splints

Many people grind or clench their teeth and often this happens during night-time sleep. Wearing a mouthguard type splint will help prevent this habit from wearing away teeth, breaking cusps or old fillings, causing sensitive teeth, muscle tension leading to headaches or jaw stiffness and pain. Splint designs are now more effective and comfortable than ever.

There are Many Reasons for Tooth Grinding. Here are Five of Them:

  • Malocclusion (unfavourable bite between upper and lower teeth)

  • Hereditary

  • Physical stress

  • Emotional stress

  • Underlying skeletal misalignment

There are many signs and symptoms of bruxism. Some patients present to the dental surgery unaware of their habit while others require immediate relief.

A dentist may have examined your dentition detecting signs such as tooth wear, fracturing of the teeth and fillings and “abfraction lesions” (due to flexing of the teeth).

You may suffer from related:

  • facial pain and fatigue

  • locking, popping or clicking of the TMJ (Temporo Mandibular Joint)

  • Headaches

  • neck/back ache

  • tooth mobility

  • sensitive teeth

The treatment of bruxism involves the effect this habit has on the body. Some people will stop grinding and clenching altogether while others will continue to brux without feeling its effects.

Become aware of this habit, and bring it to the conscious level of your brain. Then once you become aware of bruxing at any time of day or night STOP!

Stress reduction and coping techniques can be initiated to reduce the emotional stress you may be experiencing.

A series of “deprogramming exercises” is available which aim to deprogram the nerves from stimulating the muscles to grind.

A removable intra-oral appliance can be manufactured for you. The splint protects the teeth from the forces of clenching and grinding the teeth together .

Teeth Grinding

Bruxism is an oral habit that involves clenching and/or grinding of the teeth. It is not uncommon in our society.

The treatment of bruxism aims to:

– Stop the bad habit of grinding/clenching all together

– Prevent the damaging effects of ongoing grinding/clenching

Approximately 50-90% of adults experience bruxism at some stage of their lives and 15% of children also acquire this behaviour. Often this behaviour goes unnoticed by the person as they brux while they sleep or unaware of their daytime habit.

Bruxism has no single specific cause but is thought to be multifactorial: caused by a number of factors such as:

– Emotional stress: tough times at work/home/exams.

– Physical stress: illness.

– Personal type: aggressive, controlling, precise or people who have time urgency and achievement compulsion tend to be more likely to develop bruxism.

– Malocclusion: teeth that are not aligned optimally.

– Hereditary: children whose parents brux are more likely to develop this habit than children whose parents do not brux.

– Underlying skeletal malalignment: compression of nerves existing from the cervical skeleton.

Further Information

If you are interested in more information about grinding, and how Carnegie Dental Group can help you.

Splint for Grinding


Allied health including physiotherapy, osteopathy, and accupuncture can also be useful in the treatment of TMJ and bruxism.

If you would like to know more about tooth grinding, and how Carnegie Dental Group can help you, or to book an appointment at our dental practice, please contact us today.

General Dental Services

Dental Fillings

At Carnegie Dental Group only tooth coloured filling materials are used to restore decayed, worn or broken teeth. Fillings are bonded to the tooth surface, the restoration is carved and polished into the desired shape, and the material is set. Care should be taken for 24-48 hours to avoid biting on the restoration whilst it is setting, so it is important to chew on the opposite side of your mouth.

Inlay & Onlays
– Indirect Tooth Restorations

An Inlay/ Onlay is stronger than a filling and more conservative than a dental crown. Tooth coloured reinforced glass or resin provides a strong and durable restoration in those teeth which may require the extra support. Unlike direct fillings inlay/onlays are fabricated in a laboratory and bonded in one week after preparation and impressions are taken.

Straight Teeth are Better for your Oral Health than Crooked Teeth

At Carnegie Dental Group, we offer a number of solutions to help straighten your smile. Whether you are looking to straighten your teeth for cosmetic or health reasons we can help. Straight teeth are healthier than crooked teeth because they are easier to clean, less trapped bacteria means less decay and gum disease.

An optimal occlusion or a good bite, is the goal of orthodontic treatment. It provides the best chance of keeping your teeth healthy for life.


Want a Teeth-Straightening Solution Without the Hassle?

Look no Further than Invisalign Clear Aligners.

Deciding to have your teeth straightened is an important decision because it will not only impact on your appearance but your lifestyle as well.


Carnegie Dental Group offers Smilefast Magic Braces, the fastest way to cosmetically straighten your teeth.

Smilefast Magic Braces combine traditional techniques for cosmetic alignment of teeth with the latest orthodontic technology.

If you would like to know more about Carnegie Dental Group’s orthodontic treatment options or to make an appointment, please don’t hesitate to contact us today.

Restore and Maintain Your Teeth

A tooth that has undergone root canal treatment is no longer alive. The treated tooth can remain in the mouth as long as the inside of the tooth (the root canal) is cleaned, sterile, and sealed. Molars generally have multiple canals, whilst incisors can have just one canal. Treated teeth often need to be reinforced with a crown to prevent fracture following treatment.

If your tooth is damaged or heavily decayed it may require Root Canal Treatment to save it.

Root canal therapy is required when bacteria have entered the root canal through a defect in the outer protective layers of the tooth—such as dental caries, leaking restoration margins, cracks or fractures. The bacteria irritate the pulp (nerve and blood vessels inside of the tooth) causing it to become inflamed and later die. An infection then develops within the tooth and can spread into the surrounding bone. This reaction may be chronic (slow) or acute (sudden). Symptoms may arise such as pain,  an ache or throbbing, sensitivity to cold or heat, tooth discolouration and swelling and tenderness in the surrounding gum and bone.

Root Canal Therapy Procedure

The process of endodontic treatment is divided into two stages: cleaning and shaping the root canals and subsequently filling them up.

The first stage may be completed in one appointment or may require multiple visits depending on the complexity of the root canal system. Anti-bacterial medication may be placed in the root canals between visits to help stop the infection. Oral antibiotics may also be prescribed if a severe abscess has formed.

The second stage of treatment involves filling the root canals and sealing off the pulp chamber to prevent further infection. A post may be inserted into a canal to support an artificial crown. An endodontically treated tooth is usually at increased risk of fracture and thus may require the increased protection, strength and further seal of a dental crown.

At the completion of root canal therapy, the tooth is no longer alive however it remains functional as part of your dentition. The tooth must be looked after the same way all other teeth are maintained.

Routine dental check-ups are important - not just for the teeth but also for the gums and the mouth as a whole. If any changes need to be treated, such as tooth decay or gum disease, these can often be detected in the early stages, making treatment more straightforward.

Regular visits can also help identify risks so that preventive strategies can be put in place. Most dentists recommend a routine dental check-up every 6 to 12 months, but a cookie-cutter approach does not necessarily work for everyone.

Some patients may need to visit a dentist more or less frequently and the dentist will advise how often a check-up is required. Important things that will be checked include:

Oral hygiene and Diet 

  • Health of teeth and gums and risk of tooth decay and gum disease 

  • Signs of tooth wear

  • Growth and alignment of the teeth and jaws and problems with the bite.

  • Soft tissue examination and X Ray investigation to rule out pathology or identify and treat early.

  • TMJ (temporomandibular joint) function including issues relating to teeth grinding and clenching.

We’re here for every smile. To find out how we can help you or book an appointment, please feel free to get in touch today.