Dental Veneers Melbourne

Cosmetically Enhance Your Smile with Dental Veneers

If you are looking for a way to enhance your smile that is minimally invasive and can have great results, we have the answer. Carnegie Dental Group offers composite resin and porcelain veneers to which can help change the colour, size and shape of teeth that may be too big, too small or have uneven surfaces.

Veneers can improve the appearance of teeth that are imperfect, discoloured, chipped or crooked, to give you a bright and natural looking smile.

This treatment takes one appointment and involves placing and shaping composite material onto your tooth. On average, composite resin veneers last between 3 to 5 years and are an effective way to improve the appearance of your smile.

Composite Resin Veneers

Porcelain veneers are thin shells of porcelain bonded to the front of your teeth. This treatment is a little more involved than composite resin veneers. It takes two appointments and the results last longer, are stronger and more stain-resistant.

At the first appointment your tooth is prepared for the veneer and then an impression is taken. The impression is sent to the lab for your porcelain restorations to be hand created, and temporary veneers are placed on the prepared teeth in the interim.

At your second appointment, the temporary veneers are taken off and the porcelain veneers are bonded to the front of your teeth.

Porcelain Veneers

The Difference Between Composite Resin Veneers and Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain is a much stronger material than composite resin. However, composite resin veneers can be completed in a day and are more affordable than porcelain veneers. On the other hand, porcelain veneers last longer and are more stain-resistant. Which veneer treatment will work best for you depends on you and your oral health.

Before and After Veneers Gallery

Before and After Veneers – Dianne

Before and After Veneers – Katrina

Before and After Veneers – Felicity

Before and After Veneers – Jana

Before and After Veneers – Kelly

What You Need to Know Prior to Dental Veneer Treatment

To be a suitable candidate for treatments from dental veneers to dental crowns and dental implants you must have good oral health. If you are suffering from an oral health problem such as gum disease this must be treated before dental veneers are placed. If left untreated gum disease can adversely affect your restorative dental work.

Dental Veneer After-Care

Teeth that have been treated whether with a cosmetic treatment like veneers or a restorative treatment like dental implants need to be looked after like your natural teeth. That means brushing, flossing and not eating a lot of sugary snacks. The better you look after your dental restorations the longer they last.

We’re here for every smile. To find out how we can help you or book an appointment, please feel free to get in touch today.