All-on-4 Dental Implants Melbourne

A new smile.

We have a lifetime of experience in changing lives. The very best in restorative dentistry is our specialty.

‘All on 4’ is the replacement of all teeth in an arch (upper or lower teeth) with an implant-supported dental bridge. The new teeth are supported by 4 or more dental implants.

Our aim is to give you your new teeth on the same day that your natural teeth are extracted.

What is all on 4?

Why choose the Carnegie Dental Implant Centre?

Dr Nathan Rosenbaum has vast experience in the field of All on 4 dentistry.

Instead of visiting multiple different specialists from start to finish, your All on 4 treatment is taken care of by our expert team at Carnegie Dental Implant Centre.

The Process

1. Consultation (Free)

  • Complete assessment of your medical and dental history.

  • Examination of your mouth and smile.

  • CT scan of your head.

  • X-rays.

  • Pictures ( before photos).

  • Consultation about your cosmetic expectations and desires, and any other concerns.

  • Offers of finance.

  • Information pack.

2. Treatment timeline

  • Choice of funding.

  • Liasing with other medical practitioners.

  • Dental impressions to commence construction of dental bridge.

  • Refinement of desired cosmetic expectations.

  • Consultation with anaesthetists regarding General Anaesthesia.

  • Organising suitable post-operative home care.

3. Surgery

  • Our experienced and caring team at the Carnegie Dental Implant centre will support you from the minute you arrive until you leave with your new smile.

  • Whilst you are asleep surgery is performed to place 4 or more Dental Implants into your jaw bone providing a solid foundation for your new teeth.

  • Upon waking from your surgery, you will spend time in recovery being cared for by our team of nurses.

  • Your new Dental Bridge will be inserted on the same day (or within 24 hours) so you can go home with your brand new smile. 

  • Take home instructions and medication will be provided to ensure you recover as best as possible from the procedure and to maintain the healing health and stability of your new implants.

  • The bridge that is inserted on the same day as surgery remains firmly fixed to your implants for a period of approximately 3 months. During this time the dental implants become integrated into your jaw bone and your mouth remodels.

  • Following this healing period, impressions are taken to construct your permanent bridge. At Carnegie Dental Implant Centre we aim to improve the fit, feel, function and look of your new final fixed teeth.

  • It is imperative that you follow all aftercare instructions.

  • Maintenance regime will be established.

  • Periodic dental reviews will be needed to ensure the longevity of your new teeth.

Benefits of All on 4

  • Rid your mouth of ongoing dental disease

  • Provides confidence to smile again

  • Natural looking teeth

  • A new smile in a day

  • Limited ongoing maintenance

To better understand what makes implants the definitive solution for missing teeth, schedule a free consultation today.

You’ll be amazed at what our dental technology and expert care can do for you.